Friday, August 31, 2012

Australia! My heart longs for thee :)

Wow! Can't believe it's been over 10 years since I fell in love with Australia! It all started with "Survivor: The Australian Outback"... and my obsession has only grown over the years :) 

Survivor: The Australian Outback (also called Survivor: Australia in later seasons) is the second season of the United States reality show Survivor. Filming took place at Goshen Station in northern Queensland during 2000 and aired from January 28, 2001 to May 3, 2001 on CBS. The location used was within a three hour drive of the coastal city of Cairns and located in a wet, tropical area.

Australian paper currency is gorgeous!!!   I know this because I was compelled to buy some from a very friendly tourist who came into the store I was managing (way back when!)  Had those three bills pinned to my bulletin board for inspiration... we WILL visit one day soon!

This post just came about as I glanced over recent blog views from foreign countries... I was tickled pink to see that we have viewers in Perth, AU!  Our one-of-a-kind creations have shipped to clients worldwide... but to realize that we also have readers in far off lands (Australia!!!!) is the icing on the cake!  Thanks so much! 
Today, an extra special "hello" to our friends in Perth, AU!   How blessed you are to live in a place my heart longs to visit... sending you positive energy!  Bet you can feel it :)

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